Foundation Period 1988 - 1989

December 2, 1988
Urs Wolf, head of the student ministry of Campus Crusade for Christ, took the initiative and invited the professors Emil Hess, Werner Kägi, Rudolf Steiger, Daniel Vischer and Peter Weimar for a first meeting to talk about the idea of the Dozentenforum.

February 1st, 1989
Seven new lecturers came to the meeting and thus the Dozentenforum was enlarged. At this meeting goals were set and the first official meeting with a speaker was planned.

November 24, 1989
Nearly 100 lecturers are meeting for an evening presentation at the ETH.
Bodo Volkmann, Professor for Mathematics, University of Stuttgart, Germany
«Truth in Mathematics, Science, Philosophy and Theology».

1990 - 1995

May 18, 1990
Michael Dieterich, Professor of Professional Rehabilitation, University of Hamburg, Germany
"Wer bin ich? Kriterien zur Selbst- und Fremdwahrnehmung" (Who am I? Criterions for Perception by Myself and by Others)

February 1st, 1991
Peter C. Hägele, Professor of Physics, University of Ulm, Germany
"Können uns die Wissenschaften ein Weltbild geben?" (Can Science give us a Worldview?)

May 31, 1991
Hans-Dietrich Altendorf, Professor of History of Dogma, University of Zürich
"Glaube im Wandel der Zeit. Was heisst «christlich»? Gedanken zur christlichen Identität" (Faith in Transition. What does it mean to be a Christian? Thoughts about Christian Identity).

November 15, 1991
H.J. Senn, Professor and Director of the Department of Internal Medicine, Hospital of  St. Gallen, Switzerland
"Als Arzt und Christ im System der modernen Medizin" (A Physician and Christian in the System of Modern Medicine).

June 19, 1992
We had to cancel a planned meeting because the speaker, retired German President Professor Dr. Karl Carstens, died shortly before the meeting (subject would have been "Aufgaben des Christen in der heutigen Welt" (Duties of a Christian in the World Today).

November 13, 1992
Reverend Ernst Sieber, Zürich
"Wort und Tat" (Word and Action).

June 11, 1993
Lothar Käser, Lecturer of Ethnology, University of Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany
"Sprache, Denken, Animismus. Neuere Zugänge zu einem alten ethnologischen Thema" (Language, Thought, Animism. New Ways to look at an old Ethnological Subject)

November 19, 1993
Herbert Bronnenmayer, M.D., General Practitioner, Kirchdorf / Krems, Austria. Founder and Board member of "Institute for Health Development".
"Wandel im Gesundheitswesen - Notwendigkeit - Bedrohung - Chance" (Changes in the Health System:  Necessity - Dangers - Chances)

May 27, 1994
William Lane Craig, Professor of Theology and Guest Lecturer, University of Louvain
"Auf dem Weg zur Wahrheit" Kann uns die Theologie dabei helfen? (On the Road to Truth Can Theology be of Help?)

December 2, 1994
Thomas Bearth, Professor of General Linguistics, University of Zürich
"Menschwerdung - ein Modell der Kommunikation" (To become Human - a Model of Communication)

May 19, 1995
Daniel L. Vischer, Professor of Hydraulic Engineering, ETH Zürich
"Das Ingenieursein zwischen Freude, Wahn und Unterwerfung" (Being an Engineer:  Between Joy, Delusion, and Submission)

December 1st, 1995
Carsten Peter Thiede, Professor and Director of the Institute of Basic Research and Science, Paderborn, Germany,
"Papyri, Menschen, Mikroskope - neueste Forschungen zur Entstehung und Überlieferung des Neuen Testaments" (Papyri, Humans, Microscopes - New Research on Origin and Tradition of the New Testament)

1996 - 2000

May 31, 1996
Rudolf Steiger, Professor of Military Science, ETH Zürich
"Kritische und selbstverständliche (?) Thesen zur Menschenführung" (Critical and Obvious (?) Theses on Leadership)

December 13, 1996
Hans-Dieter Vontobel, LLD., CEO of the Vontobel Bank and Vontobel, Zürich
"Unsere Leitbilder in Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft" (Our Models in Economics and Society).

June 6, 1997
Jürg E. Schmid, Eng.agr.D.
"Gentechnologie bei Kulturpflanzen" Chancen und Risiken (Genetic Engineering of Plants - Chances and Risks).

May 8, 1998
Alexander von Graevenitz, Professor of Medical Microbiology, University of Zürich
"Eingriffe in der Natur - Perspektiven eines Laboratoriumsmediziners" (Interventions in Nature - Perspectives of a Specialist in Laboratory Medicine)

January 26, 1999
Hermann Lübbe, Honorary Professor of Philosophy and Political Theory, University of Zürich
"Religion und kulturelle Modernisierung. Über Irrtümer der Religionskritik" (Religion and Cultural Modernisation. Errors of Religious Criticism)

May 10, 1999
Henry F. Schaefer, Professor and Director of the Centre for Computational Chemistry, University of Georgia, Athens GA, USA; Guest Lecturer, ETH Zürich (1994, 1995, 1997)
"Big Bang, Stephan Hawking, and God"

November 12, 1999
Peter Weimar, Professor of Private and Roman Law, University Zürich
"Wie christlich muss der Staat sein - wie christlich darf der Staat sein?" (How Much Christianity Does a Nation Need - How Christian Should a Nation Be?)

May 4, 2000
Jean-Claude Badoux, former Presidenf of Federal Institute of Technology (EPF) Lausanne
"Quel type de connaissance favorise et développe une Université technique?" (Which Type of Knowledge is Favoured and Developed at a Technical University?)

November 14, 2000
Charles Probst, Neurosurgeon and retired Professor, University of Zürich
"Gehirn und Seele aus der Sicht von Neurochirurgie und Hirnforschung" (Brain and Soul from the Viewpoint of Neurosurgery and Brain Research)

2001 - 2005

May 11, 2001
Nigel E. A. Crompton, Assistant Professor of Biosciences, Paul Scherrer Institute, Villigen, Switzerland
"The Fountain of Youth at the End of the Chromosome"

November 22, 2001
Professor Prabhu Guptara, Director, Executive & Organisatonal Development, Wolfsberg Executive Development Centre of UBS in Switzerland
"Building a Better World: Why It Does Not Happen and What You Can Do About It".

April 11, 2002
Thomas Giudici, Ph.D., Management and Investment Consultant
"Grenzen der Freiheit ohne Grenzen" (Limits in a World Without Limitations)

January 31, 2003
Samuel Pfeifer, M.D., Director of the Psychiatric Clinic Sonnenhalde, Riehen near Basel, Switzerland.
"Der sensible Mensch - Leben zwischen Begabung und Verwundbarkeit" (The Sensitive Person - Between Talent and Vulnerability)

May 7, 2003
Prof. Dr. Huw Cathan Davies, Professor or Physics, ETH Zürich
"Real Science and Real Christian Faith - Characteristics and Essence"
Flyer pictures

May 27, 2003
Professor Phillip A. Bishop, Director of the Human Performance Laboratory, University of Alabama "Personal effectiveness: How to organize yourself for greater productivity with less effort.
How does one balance the many demands of family, work and society?"

Flyer (pdf)

Nov 18, 2003
Samuel Pfeifer, M.D., Director of the Psychiatric Clinic Sonnenhalde, Riehen near Basel.
"Psychosomatik -- Wie können wir die Sprache des Körpers verstehen?"   (Psychosomatics -- How can we understand the language of the body?).   (Details about talk:Flyer)

Jan 23, 2004
Ruth Baumann-Hölzle, Th.D., Director of the interdisciplinary institute on ethics in health (Zurich).   "Embryonale Stammzellenforschung und die Materialisierung des menschlichen Lebens"    (embryonic primary cell research and the materialization of human life).

June 15, 2004
Henry F. Schaefer, Ph.D., Graham Perdue Professor, University of Georgia.   "Complexity, Chaos, and God "
(Details: Flyer (pdf))

Nov 9, 2004
Rudolf Steiger, Ph.D. "DIALOG in Beruf und Alltag - mehr als ein Modewort!"
(Dialog in profession and daily life -- more than a buzzword!)

June 1, 2005 (University aula)
Pastor Stückelberger, Th.D., "Millenniums-Entwicklungsziele der UNO, persönliche Entwicklungsziele und eine biblische Provokation"
(Millenium development goals of the UNO, personal goals and a biblical provocation) (More info on talk: Flyer (pdf))

November 17, 2005 (University aula)
Prof. Martin Täuber, M.D., "Seuchen - Extremereignisse der Natur oder Sprache Gottes?" (Epidemics - Extremal events of nature or language of God?) (More info on talk: Flyer (pdf))

2006 - 2010

Juni 20, 2006 (ETH Hönggerberg)
Prof. Henry F. Schaefer   on "The Big Bang, Stephen Hawking, and God"
(More info on talk: Flyer (pdf))

November 15, 2006 (Deutsches Seminer UZH)
Prof. Thomas Bearth,   "Zwischen Kalashnikov und Internet - Überlegungen zur Zukunft afrikanischer Konfliktgebiete"
(Between kalashnikov and internet - Considerations on the future of African conflict regions)
(More info: Flyer (pdf))

Mai 8, 2007 (Aula UZH)
Prof. Daniel Hell, "Depression - von den Erfahrungen frühchristlicher Eremiten zum modernen Verständnis"
(Depression - from the experiences of the early Christian eremites to the modern understanding)
(More info: Flyer (pdf))

November 13, 2007 (ETH HG F7)
Samuel Pfeifer, M.D., "Internet - die dunkle Seite: Wenn Bilder, Spiele und Chat süchtig machen"
("Internet - the dark side. When images, games and chat become addictive")
(More info: Flyer (pdf))

April 9, 2008 (ETH HG E3)
"Meine Wissenschaft und mein Glaube"   Drei Christen aus Uni und ETH Zürich nehmen Stellung
("My Science and My Faith"  Three Christians' positions from University and ETH Zurich)

Prof. Peter Chen, Physikalisch-Organische Chemie, ETH,
Prof. Huw C. Davies, Atmosphäre und Klima, ETH
Prof. Michael D. Hottiger,Veterinärbiochemie und Molekularbiologie, UZH
(More info: Flyer (pdf))

September 25, 2008 (UZH, Aula)
Vishal Mangalvadi on "Can the West Recover Its Soul? --- A Provocative View from the East"    (More info: Flyer (pdf))

March 4, 2009 (ETH HG E3)
"Meine Wissenschaft und mein Glaube "    Zwei Christen aus Uni und ETH Zürich nehmen Stellung
("My Science and My Faith"   Two Christians' positions from University and ETH Zurich)
Dr. Barbara Becker, Nord-Südzentrum, ETH,
Prof. Peter Bühlmann, Seminar für Statistik, ETH
(More info: Flyer (pdf))

October 20, 2009 (ETH, HG E3)     (20 Years Dozentenforum)
Sir John Houghton on "God, Science and Global Warming"
(Details on talk: Flyer (pdf), and web page)

March 16, 2010 (ETH, HG E3)     (20 Years Dozentenforum)
podium discussion on     "Die Nahrungsmittelkrise im Konfliktfeld globaler Akteure und lokal Betroffener -- Antworten aus unternehmensethischer und christlicher Sicht"
(The world food crisis in the tension between global actors and locally affected people)
  Roland Decorvet (CEO Nestlé Switzerland)
  Diomandé Fan (Development consultant)
(More info: Flyer (pdf))

October 19, 2010 (ETH, HG F7)     Charles Duke -- Apollo 16 Astronaut   on "Apollo, the Race to the Moon" (noon), and together with Dotty Duke, on
"A Search for Meaning" (abends)   (More info: Flyer (pdf) and web page)

2011 - 2015

April 5, 2011 (ETH HG E3)
"Meine Wissenschaft und mein Glaube"   Zwei Dozierende der Uni Zürich nehmen Stellung
("My Science and My Faith"  Two Professors' positions from University Zurich)

Prof. Ralph Kunz, Practical Theology, UZH,   lecture notes (in German)
Prof. Alexander von Graevenitz, Medical Microbiology, UZH,   personal view (in German)

(More Info: Flyer (pdf))

November 22, 2011 (ETH HG E3, noon, and UZH, KOL-F-118, evening)     Hermann Sautter (Econm. Prof.em., Univ.Göttingen)   on
"Gott oder Mammon?  --  Zur Moral der Geldwirtschaft aus der Sicht eines christlich motivierten Ökonomen " (notes (in German))
(God or Mammon?  --  On the morality of the financial economy in the view of a Christian economist).     and
" Ethik oder Monetik?  --  Über die Chancen einer christlich motivierten Moral in der Geldwirtschaft " (notes (in German))
(Ethics or Monetics?  --  On the chances of a Christian motivated morality in the financial economy)
(Flyer (pdf))